As of writing this article – Google can accurately predict the next few words in my email and auto fills it. It can accurately predict my searches and knows exactly what I am searching for. Based on these searches It recommends me different Ads while I am visiting other pages. It recommends me different products I might be interested in with very striking accuracy.

Humans are emotional creatures. They make emotional decisions and rationalize it by logic. What I mean by this is we act according to how we feel.  If we feel happy we shop certain stuff, if we feel sad we eat certain stuff and so on.

But computer algorithms aren’t they are rational they understand logic and pattern alone. Since the time we were using the Internet, our logic and pattern have been recorded. And based upon our browsing patterns, buying pattern, searching pattern and other activity on internet these blue chips companies have spent millions of dollars pushing their services and products on to us. They have cracked the 2nd code of Human buying behavior, which is rationalizing by the logic.

As Human advances and nanotechnology become mainstream there will be chip sizes of your blood cell. If you look closely how the size of the electronics have shrunk from 1970 from the supercomputer size of a room to supercomputer 1000 times much more powerful size of your hand palm. Today we have smart switches, smartwatch, smart anything – you name it and we can make any product smart by inserting a chip into it. Soon into the near future, we would be inserting small chips into our body. This will give enormous data about our Human Biology. Apparent reason to insert these chips into our body would be longevity. Yes! Currently while reading this you would be nodding your head and saying in your mind Nah! I will NEVER insert a chip into my body. Remember, your forefather said the same thing when telephones were invented that we would never leave our letter, and later when internet age when few said we would never lose our privacy. But your privacy is all over the internet (Facebook/ Google / Amazon- u name it in a promise of faster and better service. Similarly, future technology will promise you better health once they start monitoring your body vitals. What this will give rise is to a massive – massive data about your emotions, your fear, your happiness, your joy, sorrow and all aspect of different human emotions.

Now! Imagine AI – Artificial Intelligence algorithm running on the internet which is already very intelligent as of today who knows about your pattern and logic now also knows about your emotions?  

By knowing about your emotions computer will crack the 1st code of Human buying behavior, which is buying on emotion.

The computer will know exactly how are you feeling and combined with your past history of data it will accurately predict what you need next.

Say, for example, if you are feeling sad It will accurately recommend the right movie on Netflix – – or will give a coupon of your favorite ice cream just to make you happy! 
it will look like a miracle to you. You would be saying “Wow, How do my smartphones know this?”

Just like when a small kid is crying their mother knows exactly which candy will do the magic. 🙂 AI – will be our grown-ups mother.

You will have no choice but to accept those proposals! Those will be a very accurate prediction based upon your emotions, logic and buying pattern.

This brings me to the conclusion and some open-ended questions when this would turn into reality. I expect anytime between 2021 and 2025.

– Will Human still be in control or would machine and algorithm run us? Will they decide what we think, what we read, what we buy, who we make friends with, where we eat, where we live, what we watch?

If you have any doubt, just pause for a second and observe your behavior when you are browsing Facebook or YouTube videos. You keep on clicking next post and jump to the next post and keep on jumping to the next videos, video after videos after videos based upon a suggestion of a computer algorithm running in the background.

 Are you in control or computer algorithm?